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4 Reasons to Offer a Travel Baby Play Yard for Your Hotel Guests

Traveling with infants or toddlers can be both exciting and challenging, and finding suitable accommodations that cater to the needs of the little ones is crucial. Hotels that embrace family-friendly amenities attract a broader customer base, including families with young children, which leads to a more diverse clientele and increased bookings.  

When hoteliers are planning for family travelers there are a couple staple amenities that come to mind – cribs and highchairs. However, there is another offering that could be critical in building brand loyalty with families – travel yards. Family trips often involve an abundance of luggage, but hotels that provide baby travel yards can make traveling a breeze. By offering baby travel yards, hotels help families minimize packing and eliminate the need to bring their own play yards, providing much-needed space for other essentials. 

Providing travel yards results in a variety of benefits that keep your customers happy and safe. 

  1. Dedicated Play Space: Not only is it important to offer a safe sleeping environment for young travelers, but they also need a secure space during downtime. Play yards offer a dedicated area for children to play without getting into anything that may be around the room, providing parents with peace of mind during their entire stay.
  2. Familiar Sleeping Environment: Children thrive on routine, and providing a familiar sleeping environment, even while traveling, promotes better sleep quality for the little ones during their stay. 
  3. Enhanced Guest Experience: Hotels that prioritize family-friendly amenities, like baby travel yards, contribute to an overall enhanced guest experience. Happy children make for happy parents, leading to positive reviews and increased guest satisfaction. 
  4. Competitive Edge: In a competitive hospitality industry, offering baby play yards sets a hotel apart from its competitors. Family travelers appreciate accommodations that cater to their specific needs, making this amenity a strong selling point. 

There are a few specific features to keep in mind when choosing the best play yards for your establishment.

SnugFresh covers and ribbons provide convenient cleaning for your staff and a seal of safety for your guests
  1. Ease of Cleaning: Finding travel yards that are easy to clean is crucial for your staff, while travel yards that are visibly clean is critical for your travelers. The SnugFresh System by Foundations is compatible with the SnugFresh Elite and Celebrity and is specifically designed to do both. Cleaning will be easy for your staff thanks to the ultra-soft, wrinkle resistant SnugFresh Covers that are engineered to withstand the repeated washings of your pre-existing linen protocol. SnugFresh Ribbons can be added to the travel yard to remind parents that their baby’s safety and comfort is your top priority.
  2. Safety Standards: Safety is always top priority when providing any amenity for both children and adults. When choosing a travel yard, it is critical to find ones that meet or exceed all CPSC and ASTM standards.
  3. Diversified Uses: Select travel yards, like the Sleep ‘n Store, are available with an optional bassinet to accommodate younger infants. By providing play yards that can be used for both infants and toddlers, you are opening the possibility of bookings by a larger group of family travelers.
  4. Storage Solutions: Play yards can often fold to a very condensed size, making it easy to find storage space. A small footprint is not the only factor however, you need to ensure that your selected travel yard has an included carry bag for convenient storage and transport. Finding a travel yard that has replacement storage bags is an added bonus, as these bags can get worn out after continued use.

Providing a range of family-friendly amenities such as wood and steel cribs, highchairs, and travel yards will help you compete for bookings by family travelers. Satisfied families are more likely to return to a hotel that provided a seamless and comfortable stay for their children and will often share their positive experiences with others. Word-of-mouth recommendations, both in person and online, can significantly boost a hotel's reputation, attracting more families seeking family-friendly accommodations. 

Contact Us or call 330-722-5033 to learn more about our products, including travel yards for hospitality. 

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