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Podz™ Cots Offer Age-Appropriate Sleeping Amenities for Children

Podz cots for hotels, toddlers and families.

Hotels must accommodate every guest by meeting their needs and offering a comfortable environment for families to retreat to after strenuous travel.

Among the many families that visit hotels each year are those with toddler-age children. At home, many of these parents rely on toddler beds to keep their preschoolers comfortable and safe while sleeping. Unfortunately, just like cribs, toddler beds aren’t exactly portable.

When a child outgrows a crib but is still too small for a full-size bed, parents are usually left without options while travelling. This begs the question – what type of sleeping arrangements can hotels offer these families so that each guest has their needs met regardless of age?

Foundations, the most trusted name in childcare, has a solution for facilities seeking more diverse sleeping accommodations for children of all ages. Our Podz™ are the ultimate cot that can offer hotels a unique so families with preschool age children. Podz™ have a variety of features that make them a smart addition to your hotel.

Safe and Comfortable Children’s Cots for Hospitality Establishments

The moment parents walk into your facility, not only are they hoping for a comfortable visit, they are also expecting a safe environment for their children. Parents want peace of mind – especially at night when the watchful eyes go to sleep.

However, parents are left with few options for their toddlers come bedtime. These children could be left to fare in their own “big” beds, but many young kids are at risk of rolling off an adult-size bed. This can increase the possibility of injury and potential liability against your establishment.

Some families choose to co-sleep and are at ease with their young children sleeping in the same bed, but not all families subscribe to this practice. Adults that sleep heavily may not feel as comfortable sharing a bed with their toddler.

Although pre-schoolers may still fit in cribs, they are often transitioned into toddler beds once they become fully mobile around age two. Keeping creative and agile toddlers in cribs can prove to be dangerous as they are typically determined to climb their way out.

Podz™, on the other hand, allow for a safe, worry-free solution for those preschool-age guests. These cots are made with safety in mind and were designed to remove common cot concerns seen with other models.

Foundations Podz™ cots provide toddlers with their own sleep space that is low to the ground, removing fall risk, while state-of-the-art construction eliminates exposed hems, which can fray and tear.

Our cots come in two sizes – standard (54.33"L x 27.165"W x 5.0"H) and toddler (42.33"L x 27.165"W x 5.0"H), both of which are designed to fit little ones while providing a flexible surface for a more comfortable rest while sleeping.

Easy-to-Clean Kids Cots for Hotels and Resorts

Podz™ are designed to be more sanitary than other cot models with a focus on quick and easy cleaning. The unique foot design has no channels or wells to collect dirt and germs. This eliminates tough-to-clean areas and the durable fabric can be cleaned repeatedly without degrading.

For added cleanliness, Podz™ can be outfitted with our high-quality and ultrasoft Cozyfit™ sheets made specifically to complement the unique cot design. The durable polyester-cotton blend is wrinkle resistant and available in three colors.

Maximize Storage Space with Stackable Children’s Cots

Storing rollaway beds and cribs can take up a lot of room, especially in a hotel where storage space is limited, and facilities must be kept clean and uncluttered.

Our Podz™ stackable design gives you the ability to stack 20 cots at only two feet high, offering a significant space saving benefit. Additionally, the Podz™ cot carrier, available for both sizes, is designed to store up to 50 cots at a time and comes equipped with wheels for easy portability throughout your facility.

We know that patron comfort and convenience is of utmost importance for hospitality locations. Foundations Podz™ cots fill the void between cribs and full-sized beds and can be a great asset for hotels that want to accommodate guests of all ages.

Foundations continues to be a leader in innovation for childcare equipment in the hospitality industry. We make it a priority to help you keep your guests comfortable and safe. Contact Us or call 877-716-2757 to learn more about our products, including our Podz™ cots.

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