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Baby Changing Tables for Public Restrooms

Baby changing tables for public restrooms give parents and caregivers a fast, safe and comfortable way to address a child’s diaper changing needs while on the go.

baby restroom changing stationAvailable in both horizontal and vertical models, and with finishes consisting of durable polyethylene or stainless steel, Foundations baby changing tables are beneficial additions to any public restroom, allowing guests to feel more comfortable while spending time in your business.

With space at a premium and expenses to consider, some businesses question the necessity of baby changing stations. With decades of experience in the childcare industry, Foundations experts explain the importance of offering changing stations at your business.

Baby Changing Tables Cultivate a Better, More Inclusive Environment

Whether or not you have children, you have probably watched a parent rush off to a restroom with a screaming baby who is in dire need of a diaper change. Any parent will tell you – changing diapers at home can be challenging with baby tears streaming and little arms and legs wriggling. It’s not surprising that accomplishing this same task in public is even more of a feat.

public changing tableWithout an available changing station, parents are forced to change a diaper on the sink area or even on the ground. Unfortunately, it isn’t uncommon for parents to have to take these types of drastic – and somewhat unsanitary – measures to get their child into a clean diaper. This can be an unpleasant experience for all involved including the caregiver, the infant, and nearby onlookers.

While no actual law makes baby changing tables mandatory in public restrooms, it is easy to see why they are necessary, and businesses should consider them in both female and male restrooms.

public restroom changing stationChanging Roles

Another big topic of discussion regarding baby changing tables revolves around the lack of units in men’s public restrooms.

For facilities with a baby changing station, it is most often in the women’s bathroom, and this is becoming a larger point of contention with many fathers in recent years.

Public restroom table.The dynamic of couples and parental roles are changing. Long gone are the days of one parent, usually mothers, staying home to care for the kids. Many children are being raised by two full-time working parents and. With more parents contributing equally financially, they are also sharing other responsibilities, like running errands, grocery shopping and child care.

Whether parents are out to dinner or checking tasks off a to-do list, they likely have their kids in tow for the trip. Changing stations that are available in both men's and women's restrooms help families care for their small children, no matter which parent is present.

Sanitary Surroundings

Society is more concerned with their health than ever before. From exercise to healthier eating habits, people are focused on their wellbeing. Another reason baby changing tables are necessary? To provide a sanitary environment for all guests.

When parents must resort to other methods for changing a dirty diaper, it exposes other guests to potentially unsanitary surfaces. Providing clean and functional baby changing tables in public restrooms helps to alleviate many hygienic concerns.

Easy to clean changing tables.

Foundations Has Your Solution

Currently, there are no national laws that mandate the installation of baby changing stations in all public restrooms, but some tend to think that could change in the future.

It is clear, however, that public establishments shouldn’t wait to make this change. As a business owner, if you haven’t already installed baby changing tables in your public restrooms, it is something to be strongly reconsidered so you can accommodate all guests. The more comfort and convenience you offer all visitors, the more potential you have for repeat business.

Providing safety and comfortFoundations understands the demands your facility faces when meeting the needs of guests and customers. Our baby changing stations offer the best value and the most extensive selection to accommodate every budget and design objective. Contact Us or call 877-716-2757 to learn more about our products, including baby changing stations.

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